Local Real Estate Agent

Best Times of the Year to Sell Your Home

Are you looking to sell your home? Once you find a great local real estate agent to work with, you need to determine when you should put your house up for sale. Believe it or not, timing makes a big difference.

The real estate market changes throughout the year, and being strategic about when you put your house up for sale can impact the entire process. So, when is the best time to sell your home?

Location Matters

The best times of year to sell largely depend on location. That's why working with an experienced local real estate agent is important. They understand the market and can give you more insight into trends.

The best time to get a quick sale above the asking price in New York is in late December. But in Boston, homes sell faster in late March, while sellers typically get above the initial listing price in early April. It all depends on location!

Springtime Selling

Generally, spring is the best time to put your house up for sale, regardless of where you live. During this time, people are more eager to buy. When you consider the many factors impacting the home-buying process, it makes sense!

Many people have large tax returns that they can apply to down payments. Plus, the weather is nice. Those with families have kids who are about to be on summer break, making it easier to move. Therefore, many buyers aim to buy in the spring and complete the sale by summer to start relocating.

Sales tend to increase around March, so consider getting your home ready by then.

What Day is Best for Home Listings?

If you want to put your home in front of as many potential buyers as possible, put your listing up on a Thursday. Properties listed on Thursdays tend to sell faster than those listed on other days.

This trend is likely due to work schedules. Many will begin to look at listings toward the end of the week so they can view houses over the weekend when they're not working.

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